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a new Carl Strong Foco Racing Frame…
So after a long deliberation, I came to the hard conclusion that the black Strong Custom Blend was just too big for me, so enter the new to me Strong Racing Frame made out of triple butted Columbus Foco main tubes. I’ve gone a different path with this one, originally I was just going to…
the Univega turned into a Bianchi…
so after i had the Univega almost all ready to be powdercoated what should come along? an older lugged Bianchi thats what! it seems to be of the 80’s vintage, made in Italy, Columbus steel, pretty lugs, and that handmade quality that put Bianchi on the map. all the parts are coming together slowly as…
the new ’38 (ish?) Schwinn boy bike…
i when i found this complete prewar straightbar on for the right price and only 25 minutes from my house, i had to jump at the opportunity. this is how it looks now, i have a lot of plans for it, but for now, i’m just going to enjoy it 🙂 -peter
Carl Strong Road Racing frame coming along…
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Sim Works Caroline stem for the Strong…
today the mailman was kind enough to bring me the Strong’s new stem and spacers, a gorgeous fillet brazed steel Sim Works Caroline stem made by Nitto in Japan. the spacers are also made by Sim Works and match the stem great! they’re actually the nicest, thinnest steel spacers I’ve seen! the stem is an…
more phoenix tear down pics…
yay for photo’s… -peter