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Asphalt & Rubber Motoczysz shoot…
Jensen Beeler over at Asphalt & Rubber had me tag along for a shoot down in Portland at Motoczysz’ headquarters, focusing on the hot swap battery packs and original frame. look for more info over at Asphalt & Rubber awesome stuff, i have to tell you 😀 -peter
a quick update on the SV650S…
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changing things up a bit…
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the ’38 schwinns progression…
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more pics of the Klein Quantum Race…
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Klein Quantum Race…
so, what’s the old adage? two in the shed isn’t worth one on the road? 😉 yeah, well… i’ve got another in the shed haha the latest bike to grace my over encumbered bike racks is an early 2000’s (2000 i think due to the paint, Silver Cloud) Klein Quantum Race. The bike is a…